1903 Italia VE III 25c. Aquila Sabauda in nichelio SPL

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen Altertum - 102 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie


1903 Italia, regno di Vittorio Emanuele III 25c. Aquila Sabauda in nichelio, peso gr. 4, al diritto * Vittorio Emanuele III RE D'ITALIA * (data) aquila coronata ad ali spiegate con scudo sabaudo a cuore caricato in petto e al rovescio CENTESIMI e nel campo 25 sopra due rami di lauro legati in basso con fiocco, sotto la legatura: R. 1 moneta originale in conservazione SPL (the coin is original and in fine condition).
1903 Italy, Kingdom of Victor Emmanuel III 25c. coin Savoy eagle in nickel, weight gr. 4, on obverse * Victor Emmanuel III KING OF ITALY * (date) crowned eagle with spread wings with Savoy heart-shaped shield charged on breast and on reverse CENTSIMI and in field 25 above two laurel branches tied at bottom with bow, under binding: R. 1 original coin in conservation SPL (fine condition).

ID: 19811

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oldthing-Nummer: 53600611
| Lagernummer: 19811

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Artikelstandort: IT-20123 Milano
Sprache: englisch
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