ALBUS, K: LueBKE, J. Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular lucifer yellow injections in aldehyde fixed tissue. Developm. Brain Res. 45, 29-38 (1989)., Obr., [SD45]

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ALBUS, K: LueBKE, J.  Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular lucifer yellow injections in aldehyde fixed tissue. Developm. Brain Res. 45, 29-38 (1989)., Obr.,  [SD45]
Seitenaufrufe: 3




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Details zum Artikel

Autor: ALBUS, K

Titel: LueBKE, J. Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular lucifer yellow injections in aldehyde fixed tissue. Developm. Brain Res. 45, 29-38 (1989)., Obr., [SD45].., / / BIRNBACHER, D., Albus, K., Divergence of single axons in afferent projections to the cat's visual cortical areas 17, 18, and 19. A parametric study. J. Comp. Neurol. 261, 543-561 (1987)., Obr., [WES70]..,// ALBUS, K., Fries, W., Inhibitory sidebands of complex receptive fields in the cat's striate cortex. Vision Res. 20, 369-372 (1980)., Obr., Unterstr. [WES93]..,// MEYER, G., Albus, K., Topography and cortical projections of morphologically identified neurons in the visual thalamus of the cat. J. Comp. Neurol. 201, 353-374(1981)., Obr., [WES82]..,//

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96 % Positiv
140 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: DE-07743 Jena
Sprache: deutsch
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