Advanced Research in High Field Laboratory for Superconducting Materials.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Naturwissenschaften - 8.865 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 15



sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Seiten sauber und ordentlich, The Project for the New High Field Facility     M. MOTOKAWA - Research in High Magnetic Fields - Ground State at Low Landau Level Filling Factors in Two-Dimensional Systems of GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures in Strong Magnetic Fields    S.  KAWAJI, A. FUKANO, T. OKAMOTO, T. GOTO and T. FUKASE - Pressure Dependence of Exchange Interactions in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Studied by High-Field Magnetophotoluminescence    N. KURODA and Y. MATSUDA - Low Temperature Ground States and Field-Induced Phase Transitions in ce-(BEDT-TTF) - 2 - MHg(XCN) - 4 - (M=K, T1, Rb, NH - 4 - ; X=S, Se)     N. TOYOTA, T. SASAKI, S. ENDO, Y. WATANABE, H. OZAWA and T. FUKASE - Exciton States in a Two-dimensional Systems of GaAs/AlAs Multi-quantum Wells under High Magnetic Fields    T. YASUI, Y. SEGAWA, Y. AOYAGI, Y. IIMURA, G.E.W. BAUER, L. MOGI and G. KIDO - High Field Magnetization and Spin Reorientation in Sm - 2 - (Fe - 1-x - Al - x - ) - 17 - and Nd - 2 - (Fe - 1-x - Al - x - ) - 17 - Single Crystals    H. KATO, T. KOIDE, M. YAMADA, M. MOTOKAWA and T. MIYAZAKI - High-Field Magnetization of Doped Spin-Peierls System Cu - 1-x - Zn - x - GeO - 3 -   M. HASE, Y. SASAGO, K. UCHINOKURA, L. TERASAKI, G. KIDO and T. HAMAMOTO - Anomalous Sweep-rate Dependence of the Magnetization Process of the Mixed Compound Fe - x - Mn - 1-x - TiO - 3 - with Exchange Frustrations    A. ITO, A. FUKAYA, K. Fuji and H. KATO - Magnetic-Field- and Temperature-Dependent Characteristics of Fe/Cu Granular Films Produced by Sputter-and Cluster-Beam-Deposition     T. HIHARA, K. SUMIYAMA, K. WAKOH and K. SUZUKI - Magnetic Field Effects on the Electrochemical Potential   YAMAMOTO, M. YAMAGUcHI, T. GoTO and S. MIURA - Novel Electrochemical Phenomena in Magnetic Fields     L MOGI and M. KAMIKO - Ultrasonic Investigations on Some Highly Correlated Electron Systems in the Magnetic Field    M. YOSHIZAWA, N. YOSHIMOTO, D. H. YOON, T. SASAKI, N. TOYOTA, H. IWASAKI, N. KOBAYASHI and T. FUKASE - High Field Superconductors - Anisotropy of the Flux Pinning and Elastic Anomalies under High Magnetic Fields in La - 2-x - Sr - x - CuO - 4 -   T. FUKASE, T. HANAGURI, M. KAMATA, K. ISHIZUKA, T. SUZUKI, T. GOTO and T. SASAKI - Dimensionality and Irreversibility Field in YBa - 2 - Cu - 3 - O - 7 - Films   S. AWAJI, K. WATANABE, N. KOBAYASHI, H. YAMANE and T. HIRAI - NMR Study on La and Tl-based High-T - c - Cuprates    T. GOTO, K. SEKI, K. CHIBA, K. MIYAGAWA, S. KAZAMA, M. FUKUNAGA, S. NAKAJIMA, M. KIKUcHI, Y. SYONO and T. FUKASE - Ettingshausen and Nernst Effects in Mixed State of YBa - 2 - Cu - 3 - O - 7-8 -     SASAKI, K. WATANABE and N. KOBAYASHI - Thermal Conductivity and Scattering Mechanisms in High-T, Oxide Superconductors    K. NOTO, M. MATSUKAWA, K. IWASAKI, K. WATANABE, T. SASAKI and N. KOBAYASHI - Study of Transport Properties in High Magnetic Fields on the Y - 1-x - Pr - x - Ba - 2 - Cu - 3 - O - y - Films    H. IWASAKI and N. KOBAYASHI - High Field Characteristics of Critical Current Densities in High-T, Superconducting Films and Wires   K. WATANABE and S. AWAJI - High-Field A-15 Superconductors Prepared from Intermediate Compound    K. TACHlKAWA, M. NATSUUME, Y. KURODA and H. TOMORI - Axial Tensile Strain/Transverse Compressive Stress Characteristics in High Strength Nb - 3 - Sn Superconducting Wires    K. KATAGIRI, K. WATANABE, T. KURODA, K. KASABA, K. NOTO, T. OKADA and O. KOHNO - Modelling Analysis of Pre-stress Effect on Upper Critical Magnetic Field and Critical Current of Nb - 3 - Sn Composite Wire    S. OCHIAI, S. NISHINO, M. HOJO, K. OSAMURA and K. WATANABE - Hall Effect in the Quasi Two-dimensional Organic Superconductor x-(BEDT-TTF) - 2 - Cu(NCS) - 2 -    T. SASAKI, A. MATSUYAMA, T. FUKASE and N. TOYOTA - Magnet Technology - Highly Strengthened Superconducting Magnet for a 40T Compact Hybrid Magnet    K. WATANABE, S. AWAJI, N. KOBAYASHI, T. FUKASE, M. MOTOKAWA, K. KOYANAGI, Y. SUMIYOSHI,. M. URATA, M. TEZUKA, S. NAKAYAMA and S. MURASE - Water-Cooled Magnet for a 40T Compact Hybrid Magnet    S. MIURA, K. WATANABE, S. AWAJI, M. MOTOKAWA, N. KOBAYASHI and T. FUKASE - Practical Use of a Liquid Helium-Free Superconducting Magnet    K. WATANABE, T. MASUMOTO, S. AWAJI, M. MOTOKAWA, J. SAKURABA, K. WATAZAWA, T. HASEBE, K. JIKIHARA, M. ISHIHARA and Y. YAMADA - Index of Authors, kartoniert, ca. 21 x 29,5, ca. 155 + 9 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Prof. K. Watanabe
Prof. M. Motokawa

Titel: Advanced Research in High Field Laboratory for Superconducting Materials

Jahr: 1996

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39055983
| Lagernummer: 321418


96 % Positiv
224 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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