Blast Furnace and Steel Plant.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.068 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 8



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar im Interimseinband im Interimseinband mit umlaufendem Etikett - Vorsatz und Index mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Rückenoberkante minimal defekt - Seiten sauber und ordentlich - nicht ganz vollständig (siehe Details in der Beschreibung), beim Binden wurden ca. 500 unwichtigere Seiten weggelassen, so Titel und Rückseite der Hefte, Werbung, monatliche Indexe (gibt ja am Buchanfang den Jahresindex) (es fehlen die Rubriken: Steel Plant Roll Turner and Designer, Steel Plant Brick Mason, Buyers Guide and Index to Adventisers) - Contents - Editorial - A Review of World Coal and Iron Ore Resources and their Utilization for Manufacture of Steel. By W. C. RUECKEL, PART I - Use of Magnetic Ores From New York State By K. G. LE VISUER - Controlled Cooling of a Koppers-Becker Battery By J. D. PRICE - Rolls and Rolling By E. E. BRAYSHAW, PART XXIII - The History of Pig Iron Manufacture in Alabama By BRADFORD C. COLCARD - My Own Page By DON N. WATKINS - THE POWER PLANT — Trends in Modern Boiler Control By J. F. LUHRS, PART II - THE STEEL INDUSTRY — Lone Star Steel Will Add Open Hearth Furnaces and Mills - Novel Method of Charging Open Hearth Furnaces In use at Armco Plant By CHARLES J. ANDREOTTA - Pressure Operation of Blast Furnaces 1950 By R. P. LIGGETT - A Review of World Coal and Iron Ore Resources and - Their Utilization for Manufacture of Steel By W. C. RUECKEL, PART II - Treatment of Bricks to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Disintegration By J. A. SHEA - Brazilian Iron Ore Resources By R. G. WALKER - The World's Largest Sintering Plant By W. J. URBAN - Rolls and Rolling By E. E. BRAYSHAW, PART XXIV - Early Days of Iron and Steel in North America By QUINCY BENT - My Own Page By DON N. WATKINS - THE POWER PLANT — National Tube Promotes Smoke Control for Boilers - THE STEEL INDUSTRY — - Detroit Steel Corporation Will Double Ingot Capacity - Combustion in the Open Hearth Furnace By J. M. BRASHEAR - A Review of World Coal and Iron Ore Resources and Their Utilization for Manufacture of Steel By W. C. RUECKEL, PART III - Rolls and Rolling By E. E. BRAYSHAW, PART XXV - Survey of Methods for Aluminum Determination and A Disinvolved Phosphate Method Applicable to Iron Ores and Analogues By E. T. SAXER and E. W. JONES - CONFERENCE OF OPEN HEARTH, AND BLAST FURNACE, COKE OVEN, AND RAW MATERIALS COMMITTEES — - The Conference By K. C. McKUTCHEON and H. M. GRIFFITH - Program of the Open Hearth Technical Sessions - Program of Blast Furnace Technical Sessions - Activities of Local Open Hearth Sections - THE POWER PLANT — - Diesel Electric Locomotives Serve the Steel Industry By R. J. SCHROER - My Own Page By DON N. WATKINS - THE STEEL INDUSTRY — - Johns-Manville Elects Executives - News of the Plants - The Open Hearth - With the Equipment Manufacturer - a. m. a, Halbkunstleder, ca. 21 x 28,5, ca. 1000 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Charles Longenecker

Titel: Blast Furnace and Steel Plant

Verlagsname: Steel Publications, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Jahr: 1951

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 49957101
| Lagernummer: 332095

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96 % Positiv
222 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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