Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Asien | Laos - 356 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-
Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-
Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-
Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-
Definitives: Fatherland, Religion, Monarchy and the Constitution-CANCELLED G(I)-


MiNo. 89A - 92A 4er G(I) Laos
StTpr .; A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 16/09/1959
Picture descriptions:
bh) King Sisavang Vong
89 A 4 K carmine bh
90 A 6.50 K brown orange bra
91 A 9 K purple pink bra
92 A 13 K green bra
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: Government Printing Works, Paris
Conservation status:
Here as a "CANCELLED G(I)" perforated Set as Block of 4
Issue Notice:

With imprint: MiNo. 103, 163, 164


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 48801761
| Lagernummer: 1939574142


100 % Positiv
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Sprache: deutsch

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