Elsken, Ed(ward) van der. Hong Kong. The way it was. Stockport, Dewi Lewis Publishing u. Amsterdam, De Verbeelding Booksellers (1997). Quer-4°. 111, (8) S. mit ca. 120 teils doppelblattgr. Abb. auf Tafeln. OPbd. mit silbergepr. Rücken- u. Deckeltitel u. illustr. OU.
Erste Ausgabe. – „Travelling leisurely by freighter-passenger ship I arrived in Hong Kong, my ship, ms TJISADANE, anchoring in the deep water between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula. It was 1959, November. The loveliest of seasons, the weather fresh and balmy, a temperature of 24°, a caressing sea breeze, the sky a clear blue … I spent just two days in Hong Kong in November 1959 taking photographs. I had to leave for Japan, where I would work for three months. In mid February 1960 I returned, found a bed with hospitable Dutch friends, spent the next six weeks wlking the streets of Hong Kong and Kowloon and made a couple of trips into the New Terrirories. Shooting thousands of people phorotgraphs, as well as some townviews, cityscapes“ (E. van der Elsken, S. 3). – Der Amsterdamer Fotograf und Filmemacher E. van der Elsken (1925-1990), ist der bekannteste niederländische Kamerakünstler. – Sehr gutes Exemplar.
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