Heinecken – Enyeart, James (Ed.). (Robert) Heinecken. With contributions by Marvin Bell, Carl Chiarenza, Candida Finkel, Charles Hagen, William Jenkins and John Upton. (Design by Peter A. Andersen). (Carmel), The friends of Photography (1980). Quer-4°. 158 S. mit 97 (58 farb.) Abb. auf Tafeln. OLn. mit silbergepr. Rückentitel und blindgepr. Deckelsignatur.
Erste Ausgabe der ersten Veröffentlichung. – Eines von 2000 num. Exemplaren; im Druckvermerk von R. Heinecken signiert. – Robert Heinecken (1931-2006) „is one of the first artists to successfully combine photography with other artistic mediums. Using a variety of techniques including offset lithography, layered plexiglex, b&w film transparencies, collage, ink transfers, pastels, aquatints and photographs, he has produced a large and varied body of erotic and ironic sexual imagery. A long awaited retrospective book“ (The friends of Photography). – Sehr gutes Exemplar.
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