Jesien, Katarzyna (concept and editing): Teatr Biuro Podrozy (Travel Agency Theater) Miedzy ziemia a niebem = Between Earth and Heaven.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Varia - 181.077 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Jesien, Katarzyna (concept and editing): Teatr Biuro Podrozy (Travel Agency Theater) Miedzy ziemia a niebem = Between Earth and Heaven.
Seitenaufrufe: 2


Poznan, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, 2011, 248+(4).

mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen - Texte auch n polnischer Sprache - Contents: Introduction: A Modern Theatre's Longest Journey; Giordano (1992): The Heretic, the Rose, and the Stake. A Passion Play About the Torture of Giordano Bruno; A Tribute to Andrzej Rzepecki; Carmen Funebre (1994): A Song of War; Not of Us (1997): On the Road to Emmaus; Drink Vinegar, Gentlemen! (1998): O.I.I: Oberiut Immortality Infection; Moonsailors: Stardust (1999); The Millennium Mysteries (2000): Millennium Mysteries for Modern Times; Manuscript by Alfonso van Worden: The Mysteries of the Manuscript; Pigs (2003): Man of Pig; Macbeth: Who is the Bloodied Man? (2005): Who Will the Survivor Become?; Planet Lem, or a Journey to Dystopia (2010); Conversation: Between Earth and Heaven; Productions; List of Photographs -- Teatr Biuro Podrozy (Travel Agency Theatre) is an alternative theatre company based in Poznan, Poland. Founded by Pawel Szkotak in 1988, this Polish theatre ensemble creates and performs large-scale, outdoor spectacles on social and political themes, using gesture, physical action, visual spectacle, music, and minimal text. The company tours regularly and has performed in fifty countries around the world. - ISBN: 9788360263620 - leicht berieben und bestoßen mit Randläsuren, - intern534-1047.


siehe Beschreibung

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Jesien, Katarzyna (concept and editing)

Titel: Teatr Biuro Podrozy (Travel Agency Theater) Miedzy ziemia a niebem = Between Earth and Heaven

Verlagsort: Poznan

Verlagsname: Instytut Adama Mickiewicza

Jahr: 2011

Seitenanzahl: 248+(4)

Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren

Freie Beschreibung: mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen - Texte auch n polnischer Sprache - Contents: Introduction: A Modern Theatre's Longest Journey; Giordano (1992): The Heretic, the Rose, and the Stake. A Passion Play About the Torture of Giordano Bruno; A Tribute to Andrzej Rzepecki; Carmen Funebre (1994): A Song of War; Not of Us (1997): On the Road to Emmaus; Drink Vinegar, Gentlemen! (1998): O.I.I: Oberiut Immortality Infection; Moonsailors: Stardust (1999); The Millennium Mysteries (2000): Millennium Mysteries for Modern Times; Manuscript by Alfonso van Worden: The Mysteries of the Manuscript; Pigs (2003): Man of Pig; Macbeth: Who is the Bloodied Man? (2005): Who Will the Survivor Become?; Planet Lem, or a Journey to Dystopia (2010); Conversation: Between Earth and Heaven; Productions; List of Photographs -- Teatr Biuro Podrozy (Travel Agency Theatre) is an alternative theatre company based in Poznan, Poland. Founded by Pawel Szkotak in 1988, this Polish theatre ensemble creates and performs large-scale, outdoor spectacles on social and political themes, using gesture, physical action, visual spectacle, music, and minimal text. The company tours regularly and has performed in fifty countries around the world. - ISBN: 9788360263620 - leicht berieben und bestoßen mit Randläsuren, - intern534-1047

Sprache: Englisch

Länge x Breite: 26 cm x 30 cm

Händler-Kategorie: Kunst - Design - Film - Theater

oldthing-Nummer: 43019484
| Lagernummer: 21887


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129 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: DE-10409 Berlin
Sprache: deutsch
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