* RAMA IX. (1946-2016): THAILAND ★ 1 BHAT 2516 (1973) WHO 1948!

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen International - 5.834 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

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* RAMA IX. (1946-2016): THAILAND ★ 1 BHAT 2516 (1973) WHO 1948!
* RAMA IX (1946-2016): THAILAND ★ 1 BHAT 2516 (1973) WHO 1948!

Interesting commemorative type under the rule of the king Bhumibol Adulyadej as Rama IX (1946-2016). Bhumibol Adulyadej is among the longest rulers in the modern world. The coin is dedicated to the World Health Organization and depicts snake around pole in its logo. This image representing sacred place is connected with re-healing in the same way as after transformations the God of the Sun overcomes the Serpent at the sacred place in heaven in description of the total solar eclipse. It is one of the oldest interpretation of the phenomenon. See the research Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology, 2014, 2: 107 hilarispublisher.com/open-access/solar-eclipses-in-the-outlook-of-the-slavs-2329-6542.1000107.pdf for details.
MASS 7.53 g

Lot 4551


oldthing-Nummer: 44134886
| Lagernummer: 4551


50 % Positiv
6 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: CY-7550 Kiti
Sprache: englisch
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Mitglied-164538 am 04.10.2023

Alles super! Absolut zufrieden mit dem Kauf (:

Mitglied-153201 am 27.02.2022

Bisher ist noch nichts angekommen???!!!