Scott, Walter Sir: The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders and The Chronicles of the Canongate.

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Scott, Walter Sir: The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders and The Chronicles of the Canongate.
Seitenaufrufe: 3


London, Adam & Charles Black, 1897, 0.

The Talisman; Chronicles of the Canongate (Continued); The Two Drovers; My Aunt Margaret's Mirror; The Tapestried Chamber; Death of the Laird's Jock; Appendix to the Introduction to the Talisman; Notes; Glossary; Index; 433 p.


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Details zum Artikel

Autor: Scott, Walter Sir

Titel: The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders and The Chronicles of the Canongate

Verlagsort: London

Verlagsname: Adam & Charles Black

Jahr: 1897

Freie Beschreibung: The Talisman; Chronicles of the Canongate (Continued); The Two Drovers; My Aunt Margaret's Mirror; The Tapestried Chamber; Death of the Laird's Jock; Appendix to the Introduction to the Talisman; Notes; Glossary; Index; 433 p

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 45746734
| Lagernummer: 1897SW433


92 % Positiv
68 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-79115 Freiburg
Sprache: deutsch
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