Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost pri Matici Slovenskej 1997. ( Biblioteca Heraldica Slovaka).

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Varia - 181.077 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 6


1997, Taschenbuch, Paperback.

In total 29 contributions in to sections: Heraldry in Slovakia/ Heraldry in the Czech Republic, all in Slovakian language with English summaries. From the contents of the English summaries: Jozef Novak - Heraldry in Slovakia / Leon Sokolovsky - Arms as a subject and source of historical knowledge / Ladislav Vrtel - The Heraldic Commission at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic / Zdenko G. Alexy - Presentation of Slovak Heraldry abroad / Peter Konya - The Altenburger Collection of Seals and ist use in contemporary Slovak civic Heraldry / Frederik Federmayer - The arms of Bratislava patricians and Burghers in the 16. and 17. centuries / Igor Graus - The insignia of various orders and their application in history / Lubomir Jankovic - Armorial Exlibrises and Superexlibrises in Slovakia / Robert M. Zemene - The Benedictines in Slovakia and their Symbols / Rojan Radovanovic - Seals on the Archival Documents of the Orthodox Church Community at Komárno / Ivan Gosiorovsky - To the development of Slovac military insignia / Magda Juricová - Arms on postage stamps.

20,5 x 14,5 cm. Originalna brozura s ilustrovanym obalom. 259 stran s mnohymi ilustraciami. Jednotlive prispevky v slovenskom jazyku so zhrnutím v anglickom jazyku. Dobry stav. --- Original brochure with illustrated cover in color. 259 pages with numerous illustrations in b/w, showing coats of arms, tombstones, seals and stamps of the history of Slovakia. The different contributions in Slovak language with summaries in English. Good condition.
Slovenská genealogicko-heraldicka spolocnosi pri Matici slovenskej 1997.


siehe Beschreibung

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Sismis, Milan (Ed.)

Titel: Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost pri Matici Slovenskej 1997. ( Biblioteca Heraldica Slovaka)

Jahr: 1997

Einband: Taschenbuch, Paperback

Freie Beschreibung: 20,5 x 14,5 cm. Originalna brozura s ilustrovanym obalom. 259 stran s mnohymi ilustraciami. Jednotlive prispevky v slovenskom jazyku so zhrnutím v anglickom jazyku. Dobry stav. --- Original brochure with illustrated cover in color. 259 pages with numerous illustrations in b/w, showing coats of arms, tombstones, seals and stamps of the history of Slovakia. The different contributions in Slovak language with summaries in English. Good condition.
Slovenská genealogicko-heraldicka spolocnosi pri Matici slovenskej 1997

Händler-Kategorie: HERALDIK

oldthing-Nummer: 36219852
| Lagernummer: 503112:CSR

Shop Logo AntiquariatCarlWegner

97 % Positiv
491 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: DE-10825 Berlin
Sprache: deutsch
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