The Centennial Red Cross Fair 2023 -BLOCK OF 4- (MNH)

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Asien | Thailand - 465 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

The Centennial Red Cross Fair 2023 -BLOCK OF 4- (MNH)
The Centennial Red Cross Fair 2023 -BLOCK OF 4- (MNH)
Seitenaufrufe: 2


MiNo.4013A 4erThailand
Opr (2x5); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforated
Single stamp, issue date: December 18, 2023
Picture descriptions:
fae) Red Cross Fair, emblem
4013 A 5 B multicolored fae
Quantity:ONLY! 30,000 pieces
Designer: Mr.Thaneth Ponchaiwong (Thailand Post)
Printer: T.K.S. Technologies Public Company Limited, Thailand

Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Single Stamp as Block of 4
Issue Notice:

Many activities and booths from the organizations and the attendants in traditional clothes from various periods at the venue (Lumpini Park) reflect the Centennial of Red Cross Fair, held annually and continuously.


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 48773593
| Lagernummer: 1940360397


100 % Positiv
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Sprache: deutsch

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