Traditional Lao Wedding (260B) -FDC(I)-I-

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Traditional Lao Wedding (260B) -FDC(I)-I-


MiNo. 2306B (Souvenir Sheet 260B) FDC(I)-I-Laos
Opr. (5x5); A = perf. K 13:12 3/4, Landscape; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet-FDC(I), date of issue: 21.11.2016
Picture descriptions:
czd) Wedding blessings from the bride's parents
2306 B 8000 K multicolored czd
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 2306B
Souvenir Sheet 260 B (134 mm x 134 mm) czg
Quantity FDC(I): unknown
Designer: Mr. Vongsavanh Damlongsouk
Printing: Vietnam Stamps Printing
Conservation status:
Here as a Souvenir Sheet FDC (Version I) with imperforated Souvenir Sheet and First day special postmark
Issue Notice:

Lao Traditional Wedding ceremony, it is considered to be one of the most honorable duties for Lao girls and most joyful for her parents to see their daughter honoring and respecting them by choosing Lao Traditional wedding.
There´s much excitement in the air on the day of the wedding, if back in Laos, the groom, accompanied by friends and family would Hai Khun Maak, a parade from his house to the bride´s home, in a very festive manner with singing and dancing along the way. Mor Phone the closes his eves and begins the ceremony of Sou Kohuane by citing chant verses, mor Phone then does the honor of trying the white blessing on the couple´s wrists called “Phook khen�?, after he finishes, then everyone joins in to tie the couples wrists and white doing. The Lao traditional wedding ceremony, often times, the festive celebration take place that afternoon or night where would be a live band, food and dancing.


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 48802095
| Lagernummer: 1939573554


100 % Positiv
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Sprache: deutsch

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