Vogt, Christian. Streift Licht über den Flügel. – Light fingering the piano cover. – Lumière sur le piano houssé. Zürich, Neidhart + Schön 1991. 4°. 95, (1) S. mit Farbtafeln. OKart. mit OU. in Orig.-Pappschuber.
Erste Ausgabe. – Text in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch. – „Since the late 1960s Christian Vogt has produced a photographic oeuvre impressive for its creative inventiveness and its unexpected twists. He is a master of the art of photographic haikus, and a virtuoso of associative story telling with pictures. To Vogt, photography is never a mere reproduction but always a speculation about the meaning of the story hidden behind the surface, a reflection on the subjectivity of the photographic eye, in the awareness that the actual picture only emerges through the perception of the beholder…“ (Martin Gasser, Today I’ve been you 2009). – Tadellos.
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