Zinc-Based Steel Coating Systems: Metallurgy and Performance.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.056 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 41



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebter Folienecke - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich - Seitenschnitt mit kleinem Krakel - Einbandecken gering abgenutzt, This Proceedings volume contains almost of the papers at the Symposium Zinc-Based Steel Coating Systems: Metallurgy and Performance held ... 1990 in Detroit, Michigan ..." - Preface    G. Krauss and D.K. Matlock - Processing - Modern Hot Dip Coated Sheet Steel-Processing, Coating Characteristics and Fabricating Properties   W. Warnecke, R. Bode, R. Kothe and L. Meyer - Adhesion of Electrodeposited Coatings on Steel    J.H. Payer, G.M. Michel and C.E. Rogers - Rapid Heat Treatment of EZA Coatings   C.A. Drewien, D. Ackland, and A.R. Marder - Isothermal Heating of Zn and Zn-Fe Electrodeposited Coatings   M. Gu and A.R. Marder - Microstructure - Microstructural Characterization of Zinc Coatings    A.R. Marder - A Study on Microstructure of Zn-Ni-SiO - 2 - Composite Platings by Transmission Electron Microscope   A. Takahashi, Y. Miyoshi, and T. Hada - Microstructural Investigation of Electroplated Zn-Ni Coatings on Cold-Rolled Steel    Y.L. Chen and D.D. Snyder - Investigation of Pure Zinc Electrogalvanized Coatings by Electron Microscopy   Y. Lin, S.-W. Pak, and M. Meshii - Interfacial Characterization of Zinc-Coated Steels by Transmission Electron Microscopy - A Preliminary Study    L.A. Giannuzzi, P.R. Howell, H. W. Pickering, and W.R. Biller - Textural Characterization and lts Applications on Zinc Electrogalvanized Steels   S.J. Shaffer, J.W. Morris, Jr. and H.-R. Wenk - Corrosion - Development of Zinc-Based Coatings for Automotive Sheet Steel in Japan   T. Irie - The Corrosion Resistance of Electrodeposited Zn-Ni Alloy Coatings   H.H. Lee - Coating Characteristics and Performance of Electrodeposited Zn-SiO - 2 - Composite Coating   M. Abe, Y. Shiohara and A. Okado - Mechanisms of Corrosion of Zinc and Zinc-5% Aluminum Steel Sheet Coatings    F.E. Goodwin - Influence of Iron Corrosion Products on the Underfilm Corrosion of Painted Steel and Galvanized Steel   D.L. Jordan - Effect of Organic Composite Coating on Corrosion Resistance of Zn-Ni Alloy Coated Sheet Steel   M. Mabuchi, K. Takao, H. Ogishi, H. Kimura, and T. Ichida - Behavior of Prephosphated Zn-Coated Steel Sheet During and After Final Phosphating    G. Claus, Y. Houbaert, J. Dilewijns, U. Meers, M. Vanthournout, and G. Verhoeven - Friction - Friction Measurement for Forming of Zinc-Based Coated Sheet Steel   H.D. Nine - Influence of Die Material Upon the Coefficient of Friction of Zinc Coated Steels   R.G. Davies and W.S. Stewart - Research on the Metallurgical Determinants of Formability in Electrogalvanized Sheet   S.J. Shaffer, W.E. Nojima, P.N. Skarpelos, and J. W. Morris, Jr. - The Effects of Coating Properties on the Frictional Response of Zinc-Coated Sheet Steels   V. Rangarajan, D.K. Matlock, and G. Krauss - The Impact of the Zinc Layer on the Manufacture of Automotive Sheet Steel   J.H. Lindsay - Formability - Formability of Coated Sheet Steels: An Analysis of Surface Damage Mechanisms   S.H. Deits and D.K. Matlock - Characterization and Development of Zn-Fe Alloyed Coating Layer   S. Chang - The Effect of Coating Hardness on the Peeling-Off Behavior of Electrogalvanized Steel Sheets and Some Aspects to Their Press Formability    J. Hisamoto, K. Ikeda, N. Yamamura, and H. Satoh - Analysis of Cracking Behavior of Electrogalvanized Coatings. S.-W. Pak and M. Meshii - Structure-Mechanical Property Relation in Zinc-Electrogalvanized Coatings   S.-W Pak and M. Meshii - Characterization of the Coating-To-Steel Interface Strength in ZnNi Coated Sheet Steel   Y.H. Yau and S.G. Fountoulakis - Galvannealed Coating Optimized for Coating Adhesion Through Dies   M.F. Shi, G.M. Smith, M. Moore, and D.J. Meuleman - Subject Index - Author Index, Leinen, ca. 15,5 x 23,5, 404 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: George Krauss
David K. Matlock, Colorado School Mines, Golden, USA

Titel: Zinc-Based Steel Coating Systems: Metallurgy and Performance

Verlagsname: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Warrendale, Penns., USA

Jahr: 1990

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 087339156X

oldthing-Nummer: 39050629
| Lagernummer: 320299


96 % Positiv
222 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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