* litauen (früher die UdSSR, russland): POLEN ★ 1/2 GROSZ 1513 SILBER SELTEN! SIGISMUND I. (1506-1548) * lithuania (the USSR, russia in future): POLAND ★ SILVER RARE!

Ein Angebot in Sammeln & Seltenes Münzen Europa - 6.221 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 5


* litauen (früher die UdSSR, russland): POLEN ★ 1/2 GROSZ 1513 SILBER SELTEN! SIGISMUND I. (1506-1548)
* lithuania (the USSR, russia in future): POLAND ★ 1/2 GROSH 1513 SILVER RARE! SIGISMUND I (1506-1548)

Interesting coin of Sigismund I the Old (1506-1548) emission, struck in Vilnius mint in nice condition. The side, which is considered to be obverse by most catalogs depicts a knight to left with circular inscription MONETA: SIGISMVNDI: 13. Here 13 are for year 1513 - a common but not so often practice to omit the first digits of year to safe space on small coin. The other side (reverse) shows the crowned eagle - the symbol of the country with legend around MAGNI: DVCIS: LITVANIE (Great Duchy of Lithuania) in Latin. This coin is marked as (R) in Kopicki's catalog. Being this the reason for this interesting coin be absent in the Numista catalog it was decided to publish it en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces130413.html with the images of this very coin.
Kopicki#3139 (catalog price 20.-!!!)
MASS 1.29 g

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Lot 4845


oldthing-Nummer: 44382889
| Lagernummer: 4845


50 % Positiv
6 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: CY-7550 Kiti
Sprache: englisch
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Mitglied-164538 am 04.10.2023

Alles super! Absolut zufrieden mit dem Kauf (:

Mitglied-153201 am 27.02.2022

Bisher ist noch nichts angekommen???!!!