Sonstige weitere Sammelgebiete

Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Sonstige weitere Sammelgebiete

6.133 Artikel gefunden


Die Landschaft Macedonien. Nro. 17. - Greece Griechenland Macedonia Thessaloniki map Karte

Die Landschaft Macedonien. Nro. 17. - Greece Griechenland Macedonia Thessaloniki map Karte

35,99 €
Die Landschaft Livadien ein st Hellas oder das eigentliche Griechenland . Nro. 22. - Greece Griechenland Nafpa

Die Landschaft Livadien ein st Hellas oder das eigentliche Griechenland . Nro. 22. Greece..

40,99 €
Europa Zweyte Einleitungskarte - Europe Europa Kontinent continent map Karte

Europa Zweyte Einleitungskarte - Europe Europa Kontinent continent map Karte

40,99 €
Der südliche Theil des Koenigreichs Albanien mit der Landschaft Thessalien. Nro. 22. - Albania Albanien Korfu

Der südliche Theil des Koenigreichs Albanien mit der Landschaft Thessalien. Nro. 22. Albania..

40,99 €
Die Insel und das Koenigreich Kandien. Nro. 19. - Crete Kreta Candia island Greece Griechenland map Karte

Die Insel und das Koenigreich Kandien. Nro. 19. Crete Kreta Candia island Greece Griechenland map..

80,99 €
Native Americans attack Europeans (490) - Caribbean Karibik / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum o

Native Americans attack Europeans (490) Caribbean Karibik / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

50,99 €
Schlacht far Manille (411) - Naval battle between the Dutch and the Spanish forces off the coast of Manila - P

Schlacht far Manille (411) Naval battle between the Dutch and the Spanish forces off the coast of..

120,99 €
Solor (485) - Solor island Insel Indonesia Indonesien map Karte / (Historia Antipodum oder Newe Welt und Ameri

Solor (485) Solor island Insel Indonesia Indonesien map Karte / (Historia Antipodum oder Newe..

100,99 €
Das westliche und südliche Europa. Einleitungs und Uebersichts Karte. - Spanein Portugal Frankreich Italien D

Das westliche und südliche Europa. Einleitungs und Uebersichts Karte. Spanein Portugal..

40,99 €
Das östliche und nördliche Europa Dritte Einleitungs- und Uebersichts Karte... - Osteuropa Eastern Europe Sc

Das östliche und nördliche Europa Dritte Einleitungs und Uebersichts Karte... Osteuropa..

40,99 €
Ins. Macjan / Ins. Baetjan (483) - Makian Bacan Maluku Islands Molukken Indonesia Indonesien map Karte / (Hist

Ins. Macjan / Ins. Baetjan (483) Makian Bacan Maluku Islands Molukken Indonesia Indonesien map..

100,99 €
Tupinamba natives engaging in cannibalism (523) - Kannibalismus Brazil Brasil Brasilien / (Historia Antipodum

Tupinamba natives engaging in cannibalism (523) Kannibalismus Brazil Brasil Brasilien / (Historia..

70,99 €
The Spanish conquer Fort Caroline (339) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder Newe W

The Spanish conquer Fort Caroline (339) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum..

60,99 €
Amboyna / I. Nera (485) - Ambon island Insel Banda Islands Ganapus Mountain vulcano Vulkan Indonesia Indonesie

Amboyna / I. Nera (485) Ambon island Insel Banda Islands Ganapus Mountain vulcano Vulkan..

100,99 €
The French ships reach Port Royal, Jamaica (327) / Jamaika America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder

The French ships reach Port Royal, Jamaica (327) / Jamaika America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

200,99 €
The Spaniards avenge the death of Juan de Ayolas (1510-1537) by burning Native Americans at the stake. (293) /

The Spaniards avenge the death of Juan de Ayolas (1510 1537) by burning Native Americans at the..

50,99 €
Spanish traitors in Panama are executed as stolen Incan gold is loaded onto ships bound for  / South America A

Spanish traitors in Panama are executed as stolen Incan gold is loaded onto ships bound for /..

50,99 €
Taino people resisting the Spanish conquerors (429) - Taíno indigenous people natives Caribbean Karibik Centr

Taino people resisting the Spanish conquerors (429) Taíno indigenous people natives Caribbean..

60,99 €
Spaniards keep Native Americans in chains while other natives offer them a basket of exotic animals. (281) / S

Spaniards keep Native Americans in chains while other natives offer them a basket of exotic..

50,99 €
Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire - Peru (254) / Hernando de Luque South America Amerika Amerique / (Histori

Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire Peru (254) / Hernando de Luque South America Amerika Amerique..

50,99 €
Die Landschaft Romanien. Nro. 16. - Türkei Turkey Istanbul Bulgaria Burgas Edirne Greece map Karte

Die Landschaft Romanien. Nro. 16. - Türkei Turkey Istanbul Bulgaria Burgas Edirne Greece map Karte

40,99 €
Nude native Americans (311) / Indianer Brazil Brasil Brasilien South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Anti

Nude native Americans (311) / Indianer Brazil Brasil Brasilien South America Amerika Amerique /..

50,99 €
Spaniards being welcomed by a native American king (296) / Spanish conquest South America Amerika Amerique / (

Spaniards being welcomed by a native American king (296) / Spanish conquest South America Amerika..

50,99 €
Pedro de Alvarado (c.1486-1541) is dispatched to Sibolla by Antonio de Mendoza and is killed, along with most

Pedro de Alvarado (c.1486 1541) is dispatched to Sibolla by Antonio de Mendoza and is killed, along..

50,99 €
Sir Thomas Cavendish (1560 – 1592) arriving at Morro Moreno, Chile (366) / South Amerika America Amerique /

Sir Thomas Cavendish (1560 – 1592) arriving at Morro Moreno, Chile (366) / South Amerika America..

50,99 €
Native American market in Colombia Kolumbien (279) / South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder

Native American market in Colombia Kolumbien (279) / South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

50,99 €
Sir Walter Raleigh's El Dorado expedition Saint Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago - meeting the natives (385) / Cari

Sir Walter Raleigh's El Dorado expedition Saint Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago meeting the natives..

80,99 €
Native Americans from Nicaragua perform a dance using fans, drums, gourds, maracas, and trumpets. (286) / Span

Native Americans from Nicaragua perform a dance using fans, drums, gourds, maracas, and trumpets..

50,99 €
Native king captured in the Falkland Islands - Sebald de Weert's expedition (437) / Atlantic Ocean / (Historia

Native king captured in the Falkland Islands Sebald de Weert's expedition (437) / Atlantic Ocean..

70,99 €
Massacre at Fort Caroline (342) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder Newe Welt und

Massacre at Fort Caroline (342) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder..

100,99 €
John Smith (1580-1631) taken prisoner by the French near the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia during a storm a

John Smith (1580 1631) taken prisoner by the French near the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia..

70,99 €
Hans Staden (c. 1525 – c. 1576) captured by Tupinamba Indians during his journey to Brazil (308) / Brazil Br

Hans Staden (c. 1525 – c. 1576) captured by Tupinamba Indians during his journey to Brazil (308)..

50,99 €
Gonzalo Pizarro (c.1510-1548) is captured and sentenced to death (272) / Spanish Conquest of Peru Inka Inca Em

Gonzalo Pizarro (c.1510 1548) is captured and sentenced to death (272) / Spanish Conquest of Peru..

50,99 €
Hans Staden (c. 1525 – c. 1576) taken prisoner in a circle of native American women who dance around him (30

Hans Staden (c. 1525 – c. 1576) taken prisoner in a circle of native American women who dance..

50,99 €
Goldsmiths in Quito (277) / Gold Ecuador Goldschmied South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum oder

Goldsmiths in Quito (277) / Gold Ecuador Goldschmied South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

60,99 €
Francis Drake (c.1540-1596) at Río de la Plata (346) / South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum o

Francis Drake (c.1540 1596) at Río de la Plata (346) / South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

50,99 €
Chief Saturiwa preparing his men for battle (331) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum o

Chief Saturiwa preparing his men for battle (331) / Florida / America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

80,99 €
Diego de Almagro (c. 1479-1538) captured by Francisco Pizarro (1476/78-1541) - Battle of Las Salinas, 1538 (26

Diego de Almagro (c. 1479 1538) captured by Francisco Pizarro (1476/78 1541) Battle of Las..

50,99 €
Blasco Núñez de Vela (1490-1546) stabs Juan Suarez de Carbajal to death after accusing him of treason (268)

Blasco Núñez de Vela (1490 1546) stabs Juan Suarez de Carbajal to death after accusing him of..

50,99 €
Chorrera in Cuba is burnt by the French (454) - Kuba Central America Amerika Amerique / (Historia Antipodum od

Chorrera in Cuba is burnt by the French (454) Kuba Central America Amerika Amerique / (Historia..

80,99 €
Cannibalism in Brazil (313) / Kannibalismus native Americans Indianer Brasil Brasilien South America Amerika A

Cannibalism in Brazil (313) / Kannibalismus native Americans Indianer Brasil Brasilien South..

80,99 €
Archipiélago de Santana Brazil Brasil Brasilien (397) / map Karte South America Amerika Amerique / (Historia

Archipiélago de Santana Brazil Brasil Brasilien (397) / map Karte South America Amerika Amerique /..

100,99 €
A group of native American women piercing their hearts with daggers (375) / suicide Selbstmord Cabo Falso Domi

A group of native American women piercing their hearts with daggers (375) / suicide Selbstmord Cabo..

60,99 €
Capture of Atahualpa, the last king of the Inca Empire, in 1532 (257) / Peru Inka South America Amerika Ameriq

Capture of Atahualpa, the last king of the Inca Empire, in 1532 (257) / Peru Inka South America..

50,99 €
Cannibalism episodes in the conquest of the Inca Empire by Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro in the 16th cen

Cannibalism episodes in the conquest of the Inca Empire by Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro in..

80,99 €
Battle of Cusco Eroberung - 14. Nov. 1533 (262) / Peru Inka Inca Empire South America Amerika Amerique / (Hist

Battle of Cusco Eroberung 14. Nov. 1533 (262) / Peru Inka Inca Empire South America Amerika..

70,99 €
Atahualpa and Hernando de Soto (c.1497-1542) Spanish explorer conquistador (255) / Inca Empire Inka South Amer

Atahualpa and Hernando de Soto (c.1497 1542) Spanish explorer conquistador (255) / Inca Empire Inka..

50,99 €
Schlacht mit den Wilden in der Strassen Magallanii (400) - Magellanstraße Strait of Magellan  Chile /  Americ

Schlacht mit den Wilden in der Strassen Magallanii (400) Magellanstraße Strait of Magellan..

60,99 €
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