Nooijer, Losing one’s head SIGNIERT ERSTE AUSGABE 1978

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Varia - 181.071 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 3


Nooijer, Paul de. Losing one’s head. With an introduction by Ingeborg Th(eresia) Leijerzapf. Eindhoven, de Nooijer (1978). [24] Bl. mit 39 teils farb. Abb. Farbig illustr. OKart.

Dutch Eyes 494 f. Gierstberg/Suermondt 196. – Erste Ausgabe. – Text Niederländisch und Englisch. – Von P. de Nooijer auf der ersten Tafel (Selfportrait) signiert und datiert „17-3-’78“. – „At first De Nooijer’s prints were very graphic and coarse-grained, the framing was extreme, and the use of colour was suggestive. In the early1970s he mainly prodused montages of black-and-white photographs that were then coloured, and after 1976 staged photographs, polaroids, films and monumental narrative walls of photographs. Because much of his work recalibrates the implicit rules of perception, it has been seen in connection with conceptual art, also because he explicitly refused to call himself a photographer. This is confusing because his research took place within the domain of the medium itself, or rather, because all of his efforts were aimed at the production of beautiful, seductive, exciting images. Above all his predilection for imaginary worlds made him a source of inspiration for the staged photography of the 1980s“ (H. Visser in Dutch Eyes). – Umschlag etwas gebräunt, gutes Exemplar.


Siehe Beschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 44555764
| Lagernummer: 285036260402


100 % Positiv
37 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-76133 Karlsruhe
Sprache: deutsch
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