Einband – Dunkelgrüner Maroquineinband mit goldgepr. Rückenschild, reicher Rückenvergoldung, goldgepr. Deckelfiletten, blindgepr. Deckelornamentik, Kantenvergoldung und Goldschnitt (signiert: Seton, Edinburgh). Inhalt: Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de. Ètudes de la Nature. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères c. 8°. [2] Bl., 563, (1) S.
Prachtvoller Schulpreis-Einband des bedeutenden schottischen Buchbinders Robert Seton II. (1806-1854), seit 1833 Buchbinder von König William IV. – I’ll begin with James Taylor Seton (1805-1862), who was born in Edinburgh, the son of Robert Seton I, a bookbinder active until about 1817, and his wife Margaret Taylor – evidently a daughter of James Taylor, another Edinburgh binder, active from about 1782 until about 1825. … His younger brother, Robert Seton II (1806-1854), took over the Mound Place premises and evidently fared rather better. He advertised himself as Bookbinder to the King from 1833 until the death of William IV in 1837, and adding bookselling to his binding activities. He married Grace Wilson (1818-1903), the daughter of a local merchant, in 1841, in which year he also began to publish books as well as sell and bind them. By 1851, he was employing twenty men and women. But then, in July 1854, at the age of forty-seven, Robert Seton died“ (Laurence Worms, Ash Rare Books, The Bookhunter on Safari). – Schulpreis-Etikett auf dem vorderen Spiegel, hinteres Gelenk oben etwas eingerissen, sonst sehr gut erhalten.
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