Thai Heritage Conservation 2019: Mural Paintings (III) -FDC(I)-IT-

Ein Angebot in Briefmarken Asien | Thailand - 458 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Thai Heritage Conservation 2019: Mural Paintings (III) -FDC(I)-IT-
Seitenaufrufe: 4


MiNo.3762A - 3765A FDC(I)-IT- Thailand
Opr. (5x2); A = perf. K 14:14 1/2; C = per. K 13 1/4
FDC(I), Issue date: 02.04.2019
Picture Description:
epq-eqt) Mural paintings in the south of Thailand
epq) Chulamanee pagoda at Khok Khian temple in Narathiwat province
epr) Alms giving to a monk for ancestor worship at Pa Si temple in Pattani province
eps) One of situations in the Story of Vessantara at Khu Tao temple in Songkhla province
ept) Descent of the Buddha from the Trayastrisma Heaven at Cha Thing Phra temple in Songkla province
3762 A 3 B multicolored epq
3763 A 3 B multicolored epr
3764 A 3 B multicolored eps
3765 A 3 B multicolored ept
Quantity FDC(I): 8,000 pieces
Designer: Ms. Euamporn Supharoekchai (Thailand Post)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand

Conservation status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with first day special postmark and day cancellation
Issue Notice:


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 48769849
| Lagernummer: 1940364522


100 % Positiv
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Sprache: deutsch

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